MTU Video Hoster 5.40 Singer Rotation Notes

Rotation notes and tips

To turn on Rotation in Hoster 5.40 do the following:

1) Open Hoster

2) Click on Tools\Settings

3) Click on Playlist

Different Options and what they will do.

1) Manage the singers in a Singers List, show the List on the, left or right – This turns on the Singer List, and must be on for any rotation features to work. If you only check this one Box, it will work as a Notepad List with More features as you can still right click on the Singers names, etc… while keeping all the stats for them  through the show.

2) If you turn on “Let Hoster Determine Initial Placement for new Songs added to the Playlist.” it will do as stated below:

Example – Singer 1 gives you 3 songs so they are the only one in the Playlist right now.

Singer 1

Singer 1

Singer 1

Singer 2 now send you 5 songs, now your playlist will look like this:

Singer 1

Singer 2

Singer 1

Singer 2

Singer 1

Singer 2

Singer 2

Singer 2

Singer 3 Now sends you 5 songs, now the playlist will look like this:

Singer 1

Singer 2

Singer 3

Singer 1

Singer 2

Singer 3

Singer 1

Singer 2

Singer 3

(Singer 1 only had 3 Songs so far)

Singer 2

Singer 3

Singer 2

Singer 3

Singer 2

Singer 3

Singer 4 Now sends you 5 songs,  now the playlist will look like this.

Singer 1

Singer 2

Singer 3

Singer 4

Singer 1

Singer 2

Singer 3

Singer 4

Singer 1

Singer 2

Singer 3

Singer 4

(Singer 1 only had 3 Songs so far)

Singer 2

Singer 3

Singer 4

Singer 2

Singer 3

Singer 4

Singer 2

Singer 3

Singer 4

3) Run Your Show as Rotation – When checked, your show will be run by the Singers Names/Rotation instead of by  the Playlist.  You can left click any Singers name and hit play to play their next song in their list.  If you  do not have this Checked, it will play through the Playlist from the Top to the Bottom, of course this is only  when Auto is selected.  If you are in Manual you would need to click play to start playing after a song had  finished. This Option being turned on will always show you the NEXT Song as Blue, if following the Rotation, this will be shown in Manual or Auto Mode.

4) Auto Stop at Rotation Markers – You can right click in the Playlist to set Rotation Markers, by left clicking  on them.  Once you have set these where you wish to take a break, etc… then your show running in Auto Mode  will stop at these Markers.

Right Clicking on a Singers Name in Singers List Options

1) Mark Inactive/Active – When you select this item on a singers name, it will Mark that singer as Inactive, turn them to a Red Color in the Singer’s list and then set their songs in the playlist to SKIP.

2) Show Current Songs – When selecting this, it will show you every song that singer has in the Playlist.  You can then move their songs up or down in the list, which will then change the order of them for that singer in the Playlist.  Click Update to make your changes to the playlist. This would be used if they want to change say Song 2, to Song 4, and vice Versa.

3) Show Song History – This will let you see all Songs that you have saved for that Singer in their Singers Database, when they sang them last, how many times, and what key they wish to use.  You can also use this to add a song very fast for the Singer, once it has been saved in their Singers Database for future use.  There is a new Setting in the Tools Menu\Settings under Playlist and named “When adding songs, automatically add the Singer Name to the Singer Database.” – This allows saving all Singers/Songs to the Singers database when they are added to any Playlist. If you do not have this turned on, then you must manually add the Song to the Singers database by using the S+ button in the Search dialog to add the song to the Playlist/Rotation.

4) Remove Singer – This will give you a message to make sure that you wish to remove this singer and ALL their songs from the Playlist.  It also gives you an option on the dialog to just set them as Inactive.

5) Clear – This gives you 2 options to clear the Singers List items for this Singer’s Name. 1) # of Songs Sung by Singer X – If you left click on it, it will Reset it Back to 0. 2) Last time Sung for Singer X – Left clicking this will set Last Column for this singer back to blank.

6) Add Singer – This allows you to Add a New Singer to the Singers List to keep their Place, without having any Songs Added at the time.

Other Notes and Tips

1) Font Changes – Click on Tools\Settings Under the General Button you will see the Fonts.  They will work as follows “Set Playlist Font” will change the Size of the Text in the Playlist only, NOT the Singers List, this allows you to have 2 different Fonts for the 2 lists. “Set Search Font” This sets the Size of the Font’s in the “Search” dialog and the “Singers List” allowing you to control the size of the Font’s you wish to use. “Set Print Font” changes the Size of the fonts that you will be using for the “Export” Button located in the Singers Database, or Song History Dialog. This allows you to Export the Singers History into an HTML file, that you can then Print for them, or Email to them.

2) Countdown Timer in Marquee for Playing Song – We have added a Countdown timer to show for the Host, if they are out in the Audience, so they can see how much time is left on a playing song.  This shows the Host when to get back to the computer! To turn this On, select Tools\Show Display and set the Marquee to Countdown it will then show when you play a Song in the top right hand corner.

3) Singers Name Display – There are many settings for this, and some new ones were added.  We have added where you can set this to the Left or Right side of the Screen instead of only at the bottom.  When set to the Left or Right, you can now see the Number of Songs beside a Singers Name (from the Singers List/Rotation) they currently have in the Playlist.  If they have no songs, it will show 0, so they know they need to add songs.

There are different settings for each Display type in the Show Display.  Here are what each button does.

Lyrics Button – Click this Button to Make changes to what the Singer will see when they are Singing a Karaoke Song. In this view you may want to click the Checkbox beside Hide, for Marquee and Singers Names Display. The reason for this, it would allow the Lyrics to cover the Entire Screen.

Intermission Button – This is where you make changes that  show when there is no Karaoke Song or Music Video Playing. This display shows when a Singer is leaving the Stage and now Karaoke Song is playing, or you have the Background Audio playing Music. This screen most people would want to have the Singers Names Display and Marquee turned on (HIDE NOT Checked on this Page) if using these features. This way it does not distract the singer, and their customers can now see the screen.

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