MTU Programs crashing on Writing KMA, WMA or importing from CD – Windows 10 Anniversary Edition only

If you are having issues with Crashing with any of our Products, while using the latest version of Windows 10, this is the cause.

Microsoft has removed support for WMA in the way we were using it in our products in the latest version of Windows 10.  You can either Import as MP3, MP3+G or zip and no longer have any issues, or do the following.

  1.  Download this file Here
  2. Extract the files to EACH MTU program you have installed on your computer, such as for Video Hoster C:\Program Files(x86)\Micro Technology Unlimited\Hoster.  Put the 2 files in the above zip file in that folder.  Then it will work fine.

Microstudio –  C:\Program Files(x86)\Micro Technology Unlimited\Microstudio

Keyrite –  C:\Program Files(x86)\Micro Technology Unlimited\Keyrite

Karaoke Home Producer (KHPro) – C:\Program Files(x86)\Micro Technology Unlimited\KHPro

Vogone – C:\Program Files(x86)\Micro Technology Unlimited\Vogone

Vogone Easy – C:\Program Files(x86)\Micro Technology Unlimited\Vogone Easy

Songverter – C:\Program Files(x86)\Micro Technology Unlimited\Songverter

Where Do I Get My Registration Code?


Where do I get my Registration Code?


Your Registration Code is located in your Store account.  To get to your Registration code Login to your Store account

  1. Log into your MTU Store Account (click here to learn how to go to your account).
  2. Click View My Order History in the right column.
  3. When you orders appear, find the one where you purchased the software you want the Registration Code for.
  4. You can click the VIEW button by each order and see what it contained, and to see your Download link, Registration Email, and Registration Code.

Upgrading From Older Versions To The Latest Version


Upgrading from older versions to the latest version.


You need to purchase the product upgrades.  This will give you new RegCodes and the current software.  You don’t need the older versions installed, as MTU programs are full installs.

Error: Page Not Displayed Or The Download File Dialog Never Appears


Error: Page not displayed or the download file dialog never appears.


If you have  a Firewall installed on your computer, you must disable it, it is blocking your computer from Receiving the file from our website.  Most of the major firewalls give you an option to disable it for a short time frame, such as 15 minutes.  Disable it, so that you can download the file and then re-enable it when you are done with the download. This is a problem that is caused by software loaded on your computer and not on our website.

How do I Re-download The Software?


How do I re-download the software?


The link in your MTU Store account shows a download link for 10 days, then it disappears.

First, you should always write the downloaded installation file for all MTU products to a CDROM after downloading. This insures you have it in the future when you will need to reinstall that product. MTU does not provide back versions of our software. Only the current release version is available on-line.

To find the latest version, run the program, click the Help menu, then the Check for Updates command. This shows a web page with a DOWNLOAD button. Click this to get the latest version.

This works for all products except Hoster. When MTU makes a free version of Hoster available, we send out an email to everyone who has the right to download and install that

Error: The Procedure Entry Point WMCreatereader Could Not Be Located In Dynamic Link Library WMVcore .dll


Error: The procedure entry point WMCreatereader could not be located in dynamic link library WMVcore .dll


This is stating that your computer does not have the latest version of DirectX or Windows Media Player.

To fix this problem you must connect your computer to the Internet, then go to the Start Menu > All Programs > Windows Updates and run this or click on this Link:

When you see the Windows Update site, click on Custom.  Select all Updates on the left hand side under Optional Software.  Once you install all the updates, restart your computer. Then go to the Windows Updates again and make sure there are no other updates available.  You must keep doing this until you get all of the items showing 0 for no more updates. Windows will now work correctly and MTU programs should run without this error message appearing.

You can also download the following files to fix this problem.

DirectX 9.0C:

Windows Media Player 11:

 NOTE: You still could have other problems though if you don’t get all of the updates from the Windows Update site as stated above. You must also have a Validated Copy of Windows to get these files or updates through Microsoft.

Error: Failed To Find DLL function: _ismtu.setProduct


Error: Failed to find DLL function: _ismtu.setProduct


Error Number:0x80040703
Description: Failed to find DLL function: _ismtu.setProduct
Setup will now terminate.

To fix this, follow these steps.


You get to the Windows Update site from this link:

IMPORTANT NOTE: You MUST use Windows Internet Explorer to gather your updates. You CANNOT use any other Browser (Netscape, Firefox, Opera, etc.).

1. When the page above appears, click on the Custom button. Your computer will be scanned for what updates are not installed.

2. In the left column, select all items under Optional Software.

3. Then, click on Install to start the installation.

4. Once the updates are installed, if you see a message to restart the computer, you must do this before continuing.

5. Then go through the same process again until it shows 0 items to be installed.


Once you have done the above updates, you must now do the following:

Click Download x86 version to download the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Follow the Instructions on the page that opens.

Once you have this installed on your computer, you will then beable to install and register MTU products.


Now install your prouct and it should work fine.

The Program Shows On The Taskbar, But Will Not Open.


The program shows on the taskbar, but will not open.


 This is because you have Minimized the program.  You must right click on the Program on the bar at the bottom, and then click on Maximize.  This willt hen bring the program back up to its normal size and location. This is the only way to fix this.

How Long Should It Take To Receive My Download Link?


How long should it take to receive my Download Link?


If you pay by credit card or Paypal, our store receives approval within seconds. Your order is then approved and your Registration Code, Registration Email and download link for each program you ordered is immediately available in your Account. An email with instructions how to go to your Account is also sent to you.If you pay by other than Credit Card, we will approve your order after we receive your payment. Then your product information is available in your Account, and the email is sent to you.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There may be 20 or more Internet Servers between our store and your computer. Each adds some delay. We have seen our store’s email recieved within seconds, and we have seen over 24 hour delays. If there is a virus running around the Internet, all Servers will be running slow. In this case, it may take several days to receive the email.

If you don’t receive your email notification within 24 hours, look for it in your “Junk”, “Spam” or even “Trash” email folders. AOL often rate our emails as “Spam” because we are a .com. If you still don’t find it, post in this CRITICAL Forum and we will make sure it was sent.